Good resources for basic robot skill development…
This is a common question from rookie coaches – particularly those from a non-technical background… How to help the kids learn basic building/programming skills?
As discussed on the FIRST forum under the thread, “Direction vs Discovery” : Blue Angel Robotics has a good series of YouTube videos, and they are narrated and explained by a young “Emma”:…Uq6KS9YrkgNT8g . website contains excellent tutorials about the use of EV3 components: . They were developed by the hard-working kids of Droids Robotics. [Even More Resources]
Neither of those resources will tell a team how to solve the FLL Robot Game challenge, but once your kids get “up to speed” [on the basics] they can invent solutions.
And my favorite quote from Dean Hystand near the bottom of the thread : “The most important thing you can do as an FLL coach is dispel the myth that science is something only “smart” people do. Science is an everyday tool for anyone with curiosity and a pulse. I like FLL because it provides endless opportunity for beneficial, everyday application of science.”
Update – The table has been given to a FLL team. Thanks folks for the interest!