Lini posted an update in the group
Advice Column 5 years, 5 months ago
Hello there, My team is using the color sensor to build a line follower program similar to the one in the tutorial. However, the robot misbehaves about 3/10 runs. 7 runs are perfectly fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions?
Hi Lini,
I suggest using the following questions with the kids:
1) What is the color sensor reading specifically?
2) What is the color sensor comparing values to?
3) How does the color sensor know what is 0 or 100% reflected light intensity?
4) What environmental factors on the robot, attachments or in the room, could be affecting light?
5) What measures could be taken to mitigate outside factors?
6) What actions could be taken to set correct light readings?
7) What positioning is optimal for the color sensor to perform reliably?
When the kids think about those then they will most likely find the solution.
You could also have the kids follow the color sensor and line following tutorial on because they cover shielding, calibration and positioning which are the most common issues.
Try using “on for seconds” mode instead of rotations or degrees in move steering block. I think misbehavior is caused by the occasional malfunction of motor rotation sensor.