Ravi Bhatt posted an update in the group
Far North 8 years, 2 months ago
Hello coaches,
Did you know that this year the fewest number of rookie teams ever advanced to the championship tournaments?
My name is Ravi Bhatt, I participated in FLL for two years, and I am working with Playing At Learning on my Eagle Scout project. The goal of the project is to help rookie teams be more successful by creating a series of YouTube videos that cover various topics such as robot design, the project and core values. My volunteers and I will be making the videos by interviewing teams with interesting robots or projects.
I’m hoping to interview some teams at the upcoming Peninsula and Silicon Valley championships, and I’m also looking for teams from other districts who want to contribute to this effort. If you’re interested, please contact me below. Here are a sample of the questions I plan to ask about robot design, though we will adapt depending on how teams answer.
How did you come up with the design for your robot? (Have the team point out important features of the chassis, drivetrain, etc.)
Did you redesign your robot? If so, why and how many times? Did your redesign fix the problems in your original design?
How have your attachments evolved over time?
Which attachment do you think is the most interesting and why?
How do you drive a long way accurately? Show us how you re-orient during a mission.
How did you split up responsibilities? Who’s at the table? How did you split up the work of building the robot/programming the missions?
Which missions do you attempt and which ones do you combine together?Thank you
Ravi Bhatt