Nov1st Scrimmage – For experienced teams
On November 1st, Playing At Learning with support from FLL Team # 17836 “Barely Functioning” will host 2 small scrimmages to support the Bay Area Science Festival at The Play Space in San Jose.
AM: Morning scrimmage session from 9am to 11:30pm
PM: Afternoon scrimmage session from 12pm to 2:30pm
We are seeking 4 experienced teams for each session that meet the following criteria:
- Must have participated in FLL/qualifier tournament last season (so this is at least your team’s 2nd year)
- Must be willing to bring your field setup kit to use (we do not need the challenge table)
- Must be willing to have a coach or co-coach “act” as a referee during the scrimmage
If your team is interested and meets the criteria, please send an email only to Aditi ( confirming each of the requirements and which session that you can attend/prefer.
Preference for teams with either a majority girl team (but does not have to be all girl team) OR have a majority under-represented youth (this is Hispanic/Latino, African-American/Black, or Native American) but we will relax this constraint if we don’t fill.
Thanks! Jill
Update – The table has been given to a FLL team. Thanks folks for the interest!