Active 11 years, 3 months ago-
John posted an update 11 years, 4 months ago
Once an item is in base the kids can pick it up an move it around. Also, once an item is in base the kids can “store” it on the table next to base as long as the items remain in view of the referee. Some teams have made Lego boxes to help keep things organized near base. The scoring condition for most objects is at the end…[Read more]
John posted an update in the group
Silicon Valley District News 11 years, 4 months ago
EV3 Ball Bearing Castors – $5
The new EV3 sets introduced a new part Lego robotics, a ball-bearing castor.
This castor rolls has less drag than a skid and doesn’t introduce the directional error of the traditional castor wheel. The EV3 set only comes with one, but my team needed a few more. So I engaged in some international commerce and got…[Read more]
John added the event 3rd Annual Scrimmage at Almaden Country School 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks John
Thanks John