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  • Coach Elliott posted an update in the group Group logo of Peninsula District NewsPeninsula District News 2 years ago

    I saw an FLL table being thrown away near the Saratoga Library (Saratoga Avenue exit off of Highway 85). It looks in good condition. If you are willing to drive by and grab it tonight leave a message and I’ll tell you how to find it. The large-item garbage pickup will be some time Monday or Tuesday so you need to be quick.

  • Coach Elliott posted an update in the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years ago

    I saw an FLL table being thrown away near the Saratoga Library (Saratoga Avenue exit off of Highway 85). It looks in good condition. If you are willing to drive by and grab it tonight leave a message and I’ll tell you how to find it. The large-item garbage pickup will be some time Monday or Tuesday so you need to be quick.

  • Coach Elliott joined the group Group logo of Peninsula District NewsPeninsula District News 2 years ago

  • Coach Elliott joined the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years ago

  • Dan Wilson posted an update 2 years ago

    @almt have you found any takers yet on the table?

    • Not yet. Are you interested?

      • Hi,
        I am starting a new FLL team this year at the school I teach in East San Jose and am looking for a contest table. Is ti still available?

      • I’m so sorry Albert, I didn’t get notified of your response a few days ago and now see there’s other folks interested. I could be there soon if you were to consider me first in line, or we could flip a coin?

    • Great to see multiple interests. Would like to give to Mallika given she is a teacher. Will you be able to pick it up? Otherwise Dan gets it

    • Hi Albert, yes I can pick it up this weekend or whenever its convenient for you. Thank you! My work email is

  • Albert posted an update in the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years ago

    I have a FLL Challenge table that I no longer need. Located near 85/17

    • Hi, Albert,
      Hope this message is not too late!
      Our FTC team Kuriosity Robotics has created a program called FIRST Things First. One of the services is to pass down game tables from graduating teams to rookie FLL teams. So far we have donated 12 tables in the past two years. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out the form. Thank you so much for your donation!

  • Albert joined the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of Monterey PeninsulaMonterey Peninsula 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of Advice ColumnAdvice Column 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of EducatorsEducators 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of Peninsula District NewsPeninsula District News 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years ago

  • Mike joined the group Group logo of MarketplaceMarketplace 2 years ago

  • Ben Guansing posted an update in the group Group logo of MarketplaceMarketplace 2 years ago

    I’m a former FLL coach and I’m selling my LEGO Mindstorms equipment.

    EV3 Education Core Set #45544 = $150 (complete and lightly used)
    Mindstorms NXT Education Expansion Set #9695 = $50 (unused)

  • Ben Guansing joined the group Group logo of MarketplaceMarketplace 2 years ago

  • David Tian posted an update in the group Group logo of Peninsula District NewsPeninsula District News 2 years ago

    Hi there, we are a rookie FLL challenge team. (I am also a rookie coach.)

    I am wondering if anyone know where/when is the qualifier sign up. Looking at, I only found info from 2021-2022 season.

    Also looking to set up some scrimmages in Sept/Oct time, so that teams can practice together. thanks.

  • David Tian joined the group Group logo of MarketplaceMarketplace 2 years ago

  • David Tian joined the group Group logo of Peninsula District NewsPeninsula District News 2 years ago

  • Mitali Kamat posted an update in the group Group logo of East Bay District NewsEast Bay District News 2 years ago

    I have a Full size Fll table to give away. It is big and heavy. We are in Fremont. Anyone wants to take the table? It’s $50 obo

    • Our FTC team Kuriosity Robotics has created a program called FIRST Things First. One of the services is to pass down game tables from graduating teams to rookie FLL teams. So far we have donated 12 tables in the past two years. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out the form. Thank you so much for your donation!

  • Kunal posted an update 2 years ago

    Hi. We are in Rocklin, Sacramento. If anyone is starting a team, please let us know. My son is in 3rd grade.

  • Aneesha posted an update in the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hello All,
    I am looking for an FLL team for my kid in 7th grade in san jose/Santa clara /cupertino area to join . He has prior experience with FLL. recently changed location and looking for a team.
    Please let me know if any one has a spot in their team that he can be part of .

  • Aneesha joined the group Group logo of Silicon Valley District NewsSilicon Valley District News 2 years, 1 month ago

  • Aneesha posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hello All,
    I am looking for an FLL team for my kid in 7th grade in san jose/Santa clara /cupertino area . He has prior experience with FLL. recently changed location and looking for a team.
    Please let me know if any one has a spot in their team that he can be part of .

  • Prathyusha posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hi! I’m looking for a FLL Challenge team for my rising 4rth grader in Fremont area.

  • Milana posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    I am looking for an FLL team that my 6th grader can join in Palo Alto. Thank you!

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